The Breitling Watch Source Forums

Selling watches - a Wednesday rant...
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Author:  sportback [ Wed Dec 05, 2007 12:01 am ]
Post subject:  Selling watches - a Wednesday rant...

Sorry about this, but I'm pi$$ed off - I've decided to sell a couple of my least-worn Panerai (on a site near you!) and due to the fact that I usually hang on to everything I buy, I have little or no references as a seller.

Someone has just replied to my post, but is asking for, what I consider at least, an inordinate amount of personal information - photos of passports, utility bills etc.

The problem now is that if I just tell the guy to f***k off, I'll be forever damned as a 'scammer' and not trustworthy. I don't actually need to sell the watch/watches, but it seems pretty pointless to me to keep them unused in a box.

Damned if I do, damned if I dont...

Before you ask, this is not happening here on breitlingsource - and I hope it doesn't ever start.

Rant over - have a good week!

Author:  Driver8 [ Wed Dec 05, 2007 2:01 am ]
Post subject: 

Hmmm sounds like that guy is being a little overly cautious, but I guess he's just not that comfortable with the amount of cash he's looking at parting with.

If I was was you Sportback, I'd politely tell him that you are not comfortable giving out that kind of personal information considering the threat of identity theft, etc, etc, and just decline his offer. I don't think most normal buyers would hold that against you from a trustworthiness perspective.

Why not just pop them on eBay with a realistic reserve?

Author:  Driver8 [ Wed Dec 05, 2007 2:03 am ]
Post subject: 

Hmmm sounds like that guy is being a little overly cautious, but I guess he's just not that comfortable with the amount of cash he's looking at parting with.

If I was was you Sportback, I'd politely tell him that you are not comfortable giving out that kind of personal information considering the threat of identity theft, etc, etc, and just decline his offer. I don't think most normal buyers would hold that against you from a trustworthiness perspective.

Why not just pop them on eBay with a realistic reserve?

Author:  sportback [ Wed Dec 05, 2007 2:33 am ]
Post subject: 

This is pretty much what I've done - we'll see how he reacts. (I was polite, honest guv...)

As to ebay, frankly I'm not too keen - I've purchased stuff for computers and the odd thing I can't seem to find elsewhere, but I've never sold anything, so the basic principle of not having any 'sellers' references still applies.

Build-up to the weekend - we're leaving Toulouse on Friday morning and I'm looking forward to my first real beer for some months now, in the afternoon.

As I'm unlikely to meet any Breitling fans, I've decided to wear my 251 - white dial :wink:

(Bloody French customs have still got my GMT ll....)

Author:  defiancekofb [ Wed Dec 05, 2007 3:02 am ]
Post subject: 

You can always go the ebay route and tell the buyer to pay through paypal only. That way the buyer is protect I believe up to $2,000 in a scam situtation. You wouldn't need to give out any personal information. And everyone is happy.

Author:  Altair [ Wed Dec 05, 2007 3:03 am ]
Post subject: 

never give out that kind of info!!!! Coupled with your bank info you are undoubtedly giving him these social engineers can steal your identity very easly, in fact this is one of the known ways they have done it.

The Rolex is still at customs??? Dang sportback that blows :( It will still be all that sweeter when it does finaly arive.

Author:  sportback [ Wed Dec 05, 2007 4:06 am ]
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With regard to the Rolex and French customs - it's funny, but they blocked the transfer to Toulouse because the paperwork didn't have the words "Exact price" written on it - when the guy sending it to me sent a photograph of his copy of the shipping documents, what was writen on it? Yes, EXACT PRICE... I love the French (I'm in love with a French girl) but sometimes...... :roll:

Author:  Flynbyu [ Wed Dec 05, 2007 8:08 am ]
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Utility bills?

I think that's a bit much.


Author:  sportback [ Wed Dec 05, 2007 9:18 am ]
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I don't think he actually wants to know how much water I use, rather he sees it as a proof of address....

Author:  breitlingsource [ Wed Dec 05, 2007 9:45 am ]
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That's quite a bit of info he's requesting.. I suppose that would make him feel better about hte purchase, but photos from your passport and utility bills sounds almost like he wants to steal your identity lol

What watch are you selling him - just wanted to get an idea of value. I've bought/sold/traded probably 50+ watches and never been asked for that level of information. Maybe those types of watches lures more bad company :o

Author:  flyboy [ Wed Dec 05, 2007 3:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

I have the solution to it all: Esgrow.

Your welcome.

BTW i didnt read the above so if it was already ruled out then please overlook this.

No time for the present right now.

Author:  sportback [ Wed Dec 05, 2007 9:42 pm ]
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I'm selling the 176 - quite a few available, so low price - 2600€ - we're not talking Bentleys here!!

Author:  breitlingsource [ Wed Dec 05, 2007 10:12 pm ]
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Strange.. are there lots of scammers on the board?

Author:  sportback [ Wed Dec 05, 2007 11:09 pm ]
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It seems that over on there are a number of reports from people hit by scammers - I can't explain why there should be more there than elsewhere.

(Well, actually, I do have my own private opinion on this - there are a certain number of 'members' who drive Cayenne Turbos, smoke huge cigars etc. who only have to show a picture of a shirt cuff and everyone is posting "ooh" and "ahh" and "awesome" - it's amazing how many sheep there are really - anyway, all these 'leaders' have to do is to suggest that they like a certain model and the rest of the pack fall over themselves to get hold of one - hence the price goes through the roof and the scammers clean up...the sad thing is that when they moan about it, the moderators either erase the post or block the message - so much for a democracy.

I'm writing this under an assumed name in case they identify me.....)

Author:  sportback [ Thu Dec 06, 2007 7:47 am ]
Post subject: 

The situation regarding some moderators reminds me of the Monty Python sketch where Eric Idle wants to join the Secret Service..

John Cleese "So, you want to join the Secret Service?"
Eric Idle "Oh yes please"
JC "Do you play cricket?"
EI "Well no actually, I play Tennis"
JC "Do you, do you - I used to play cricket you know..."

The implication being that anything 'deviating' from the 'official' line (which is, more often than not, a purely personal opinion) is ignored...

Sorry - I found it relevant

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