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The other Las Vegas
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Author:  wessa [ Fri Apr 25, 2014 7:06 am ]
Post subject:  The other Las Vegas

So, we have been living in this part of the world for quite a number of years (all their life if you ask my two girls).
We have been to Macau on the typical day trips from time to time in the past as it is only one hour away on a high speed ferry.
This is the first time however that we have decided to make a bit of a holiday out of it this week (three nights to be precise)
After all this is supposed to be the biggest gambling Mecca and the biggest money spinner for the likes of Wynns, MGM, City of Dreams, Venetian, Sands, etc, etc...
Yes, for the likes of Wynns, MGM, City of Dreams, Venetian, Sands and absolutely NOT for the likes of wessa unfortunately :-(

So we started our visit on a bit of a serious and historical side of things (ignore that big cannon for a moment Roff, there is a historical heritage element to it ;-)


Only to be followed by where the money is really made amongst all the ritz and glamor (according to my daughter at least)


One can of course not forget the trivial things in life ;-)
Believe me, I tried hard but there was no Breitling to be found anywhere :-(


Followed by some fun parts. Only a photo from the "House of Dancing Water", not allowed to post any from the "Taboo" show ;-)


OK, OK, things maybe did get a little bit out of hand ;-)


In the end however, the Cotai strip in Macau still has a very looooong way to go.
After ten or so years it continues to be one big construction site. I hate to think how much money it will make once it is finished :-(


Author:  P51 [ Mon Apr 28, 2014 2:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The other Las Vegas

Interesting Wes and thank you for posting. Can I ask, did you notice any of the old Portuguese City still standing that has not been cleaned and repaired, or has it all been removed from trace and all brand new and sparkling? Apart from the cathedral ruins and the fort of course.

Nice cannon by the way! :wink:

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