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The IOS 7 Thread
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Author:  sharkman [ Wed Sep 18, 2013 7:50 pm ]
Post subject:  The IOS 7 Thread

Well, I thought we (ME) can all get some feedback from those of you who have ventured to the land of iPhone 5s or the update to the new IOS 7. From what I've read and watched, it is the first meaningful change. I'm not quite adventurous enough to download on day 1, preferring to get some real feedback first.

If you get a chance, share your experience. I imagine the Apple servers are jammed presently.

Edit - I went from an older Linksys router to the '13 ac Airport Extreme yesterday. Seamless.

Author:  sco [ Wed Sep 18, 2013 8:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The IOS 7 Thread

Hey Shark,

I updated my iPhone 5 this afternoon. So far so good. I'm not sure if the battery is going fast because I'm using the phone a lot or if iOS 7 is just ripping through it. The changes are pretty nice overall. Familiar things are there, but look a little different. There are some good additions like quick access to toggle wifi and Bluetooth along with a flashlight. One thing that's cool is that the clock app shows the current time along with sweeping second hand. This means that in the future we should be seeing things like weather and sports scores on the icons of apps. I know other platforms have this or something like it already, but it is nice to see apple catch up. Other than that it's still iphone, just a little simpler and cleaner. I say back up your phone and go for it!

Author:  sharkman [ Wed Sep 18, 2013 10:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The IOS 7 Thread

Well you talked me into it. Updated the iPhone and got used to the new system. I like it and have whiplash from the 3D effect of each app opening. Although the appearance is somewhat cartoonish, the functionality and features are very good. iPad will have to wait for tomorrow - 11:30 here and I have a mediation at 8am. 8am? I need to chat with the peeps who keep my calendar. :x

Author:  Driver8 [ Thu Sep 19, 2013 5:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The IOS 7 Thread

I've not updated mine yet, but I've heard from a lady I work with that while it looks nice it drains battery life like you wouldn't beleive. Great. :roll:

Author:  jnelson3097 [ Thu Sep 19, 2013 5:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The IOS 7 Thread

So far it seems to drain the battery pretty fast on my 4S, but I do like the upgrades.

Author:  sharkman [ Thu Sep 19, 2013 5:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The IOS 7 Thread

Driver8 wrote:
I've not updated mine yet, but I've heard from a lady I work with that while it looks nice it drains battery life like you wouldn't beleive. Great. :roll:

There is a new way to close open apps. I'm hoping that may help. When you double click the home key, the icons show at the bottom together with a small small window above each open app. You just swipe up on the "window" for each app you are closing the app. Much quicker a rather cool. Hopefully regularly closing the apps will solve that problem.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - now Free

Author:  MattC [ Thu Sep 19, 2013 6:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The IOS 7 Thread

I like the new update. The layout is much easier to navigate, and I like what they've done with the camera. Keep it up Apple!

Author:  thomasenlow1 [ Thu Sep 19, 2013 11:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The IOS 7 Thread

The functionality works fine for me, but I do think the overall appearance is closer to what the samsung and google operating systems are running. More colorful and cartoonish but overall fine.

sharkman wrote:
There is a new way to close open apps. I'm hoping that may help. When you double click the home key, the icons show at the bottom together with a small small window above each open app. You just swipe up on the "window" for each app you are closing the app. Much quicker a rather cool. Hopefully regularly closing the apps will solve that problem.

I am somewhat anal about closing apps all the way and could not figure this out. Thanks for the tip

Author:  andrew692003 [ Thu Sep 19, 2013 11:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The IOS 7 Thread

Tbh I don't like it but probably get used to it. It just seems like its iPhone for children in terms of visuals, just not my cup of tea at the moment!

Author:  sharkman [ Thu Sep 19, 2013 12:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The IOS 7 Thread

andrew692003 wrote:
Tbh I don't like it but probably get used to it. It just seems like its iPhone for children in terms of visuals, just not my cup of tea at the moment!

If they changed the stripe at the bottom, it would dramatically lighten the appearance. Maybe they will do that. I do like the functionality quite a bit. And it is lighting fast on the Verizon LTE over the 6 IOS versions.

Playing around with wallpaper helps. I just added this a gray and white one and, IMO, it improves the appearance.

Function is just so much better.

Author:  WatchFred [ Thu Sep 19, 2013 10:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The IOS 7 Thread

like it.

here's an article from huffpost w/ some interesting small details and some good in depth links: ... lp00000009

re battery drain: make sure automatic WLAN app updating is turned off - especially now, when almost all apps publish new releases this drains the battery like hell; interesting and nice though for the future, when most apps are current.

Author:  Aadam [ Fri Sep 20, 2013 6:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The IOS 7 Thread

I had the BETA for a few months now, and I've fallen out of love with it since I used an iPhone 5 with iOS 6 on it.

Sure it looks pretty on the outside, but then the little annoyances kick in, e.g., the animation on opening folders and applications gives the apperance that it's slower than iOS 6.

It has some useful features in terms of the additional options on the pull up/down menus, but I find myself now wanting to go back to iOS6.

Author:  sco [ Fri Sep 20, 2013 6:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The IOS 7 Thread

My brother just walked into an Apple store and walked out with a 5S. I guess there was a little line, but nothing crazy.

Author:  RJRJRJ [ Fri Sep 20, 2013 10:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The IOS 7 Thread

I bought a 5s today (and also upgraded to 7 on my 5 this morning). Seemed weird at first, but its pretty normal now. I like how safari shows the open tabs on my macbook on the iphone. That one actually kind of blew my mind. Side by side with my 5, the cell signal seems to be 1-2 bars lower on the 5s, so thats concerning. Im hoping the 5s just has a different way of measuring it. Flashlight built in is a nice addition.

TBH, im not really sure what else is different. The 5s on its own is pretty neat though. Incredible camera, and the fingerprint reader is pretty awesome. I think the phone is way over engineered in its current state, but over the next few months we'll see some amazing capabilities once developers can take it to the next level.

Side note: I went to tha apple store around 4pm today and there were like 30 people waiting in line. I figured what the hell, and stood there for like 20 minutes...only to be ushered to another line around the corner that I didnt know was there. All in all about an hour wasted, but far less painful than I would have imagined. Apparently getting a gold one was damn near impossible though.

Author:  sharkman [ Fri Sep 20, 2013 10:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The IOS 7 Thread

Here's a few good ones.

I didn't know I could horizontal swipe in Safari and email now.

I think this is a good sign for Apple. For the Cult of Apple sorts who are swearing and crying Armageddon, things sometimes NEED to change; just take a side view of your big screen TV and become "aware" it isn't 2 feet thick, just be aware of it, just notice it, and breathe in, hold it, breathe out slowly, be aware of your breathing, now turn your awareness to the fact that you are an intransigent lot with feet of clay, and breathe in, and hold until it is 2007 again, keep holding, that's right, just like that.

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